How to not Pay Spousal Support in Canada?
Spousal support or another word for alimony is paid to the former spouse who is not earning. The higher-earning spouse pays it after the divorce is finalized. However, it is also true that spousal support can cause severe financial stress. That’s why sufferers are looking for ways to not pay spousal support in Canada. And,...Read More
Why I Chose a Family Lawyer?
A family lawyer can act as a judge, fighting for custody of children, getting back-owed child support, and negotiating for cases of alimony. If you want a divorce, dissolve a civil union, or seek benefits in a domestic partnership, you need to choose a family lawyer who is skilled in family law. It is better...Read More
How to Handle Divorce When Pregnant?
If you’re pregnant and going through a divorce, we assume you are going through a very emotional time. Besides, dealing with a divorce when pregnant can be challenging and stressful, as there are various aspects to take care of. For instance, consider your financial security for yourself and your upcoming baby, along with your health...Read More
How to Separate from Spouse While Living Together?
Separation refers to the decision by a couple to live apart from each other while still legally married. It is a period of physical or emotional distance intended to provide space for individuals to assess the state of their relationship. However, you can be separated from your spouse while living together. So, how to separate...Read More
What Can Be Used Against You in a Custody Battle?
A custody battle is an emotionally challenging experience for any spouse. These battles arise when parents are unable to reach an agreement. A custody battle’s primary focus is determining which parent or guardian will have legal custody of the child. Custody battles can arise in divorce, separation, or disputes between unmarried parents. So, what can...Read More
Why You Need Skilled Child Custody Lawyers Near Regina?
At the Divorce Law Firm in Regina, Saskatchewan, we deal with many guardians or parents who get stuck in apparently difficult child custody struggles. No one is willing to understand, and the parents come to us for support in reaching their custody goals. You and your partner may be trying to go through with a...Read More
Child Custody Laws in Canada
Divorce is hard for a couple who have lived together for long enough to become dependent on one another. But there is something called not meant to be. That is why, before anything unwanted happens, divorce is the best option. Apart from the couple, the problem is also crucial for the children of the couple....Read More
Can I Claim My Spouse as a Dependent in Canada?
Everyone wants to have the option to minimize the amount of taxes payable. Claiming a deduction for a dependent has become quite a regular practice for this purpose. To claim a dependent based on dependents, you must first understand the eligibility and criteria for dependency. To claim a deduction on dependency, you would have to...Read More
Important Guideline and Information on Retroactive Child Support
Child support is an economic contribution that, upon separation, is paid by one spouse to any children born of the marriage. But, we often hear about retroactive child support related to child support cases. What actually is this term? Retroactive child support is a financial allowance that is given until the child support case is...Read More