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How to Avoid Paying Child Support?

How to Avoid Paying Child Support?

The issue of child support usually arises after a separation or divorce. Each Federal State of Canada has its guidelines for child support and other related issues. In some cases, a parent cannot afford the patronage, especially for low income. In such instances, they are exempted from paying child support. Here, you can learn about the most common and crucial aspects of child support and how to avoid paying child support in Saskatchewan province.

What is Child Support?

Child Support refers to the financial responsibility of the parents towards their offspring(s) in Canada. Under legal guidelines, only the financial obligation of parents is counted as child support.  Other supports, like emotional support and moral support, do not qualify as child support.

The amount of child support is paid to one parent by another. However, the receiving parent has to spend the money for the child. Only the child is eligible for this financial support and has the legal right to utilize the funds. In a few scenarios, both parents have to make a payment for the child support.

One is NOT taxed for receiving child support payments.

Usually, the parent who takes custody of the child receives the payment. A parent has to afford this financial support for a child until 18 years of age.

Child Support Calculation in Saskatchewan

The primary theme of child support guidelines remains more or less similar for each province. But you still have to determine the federal guidelines applicable to you.

In Saskatchewan, the amount payable is calculated based on the non-residential parent’s income.

Parenting time is not counted as having custody and, therefore, does not impact the amount of child support. Shared custody can influence the amount payable for child support.

The court has the ultimate authority to determine what can be counted as parenting time or shared custody.

Parents Living Outside Saskatchewan

It is not uncommon that a child resides in Saskatchewan territory, and the parents are paying the child support while living in another province. The Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders (ISO) Unit assists the individuals in preparing the necessary steps in this case. It also applies when the child is staying in another province. It usually covers:

  • Application for child support or changes in child support when the other parent is residing outside of Saskatchewan
  • Arranging for registration of applicant’s order or agreement in a different jurisdiction; and
  • Communicating and synchronizing with other maintenance enforcement to collect the payment

You have to fill out a form to avail ISO Unit facilities. Since there are different forms, you may need a lawyer to select and fill out the appropriate form. You can also complete the application by yourself. In both cases, none of you need to be in court in another jurisdiction.

After you submit the correctly completed application under the ISO Unit, the other parent will get a formal notification and a copy of your application.

How to Avoid Paying Child Support?

Child support is a legal and fundamental right of your child. Still, in some rare cases, the court may grant you immunity to avoid paying child support. It is the moral and social responsibility of the parents to look after an offspring financially. Thus, in most cases, one will not get out of paying child support.

You have to pay child support because both parents contributed to making the baby with their genes. This is a biological fact and doesn’t depend on the parent’s age, marital status, living situation, or relationship with the child.

There are only two exceptions:

  1. If the child is born through assisted reproduction and you’re a donor, you’re not considered the child’s parent.
  2. If someone else adopts the child with your genes.

If these exceptions don’t apply, the only ways to avoid paying child support are if:

  1. The child lives with you most of the time, and the other parent has to pay child support to you.
  2. You and the other parent share parenting time equally, and both of you make the same income.

For stepparents, the rules are similar to those for biological parents

If the child is under your custody, you must bear their accommodation costs, daily expenses, and miscellaneous expenditures. In this scenario, you are already performing your duty. So, you are not entitled to any child support. On the other hand, you can demand a child support payment from the other parent.

However, parents sharing equal custody can apply for a review to change the child support amount. In Saskatchewan, an accurate specification of the duration of shared custody is crucial. In this case, you can reduce the amount payable for child support.

In the case of undue hardship, you might get out of paying child support partially or totally, depending on the circumstances. Sometimes, the amount for child support noticed under Federal Guidelines becomes undue hardship for a parent or the child, especially when merged with other situations and expenses.

You must submit the following evidence to prove your undue hardship:

  1. Your circumstances will make it hard to:
    • Pay the determined amount, or
    • Make up the expenses of the child on the amount of child support you receive
  1. Your household standard is significantly lower compared to the other partner’s household standard of living.

In addition to these two, the Federal Guidelines exemplify other predictable circumstances that can be counted as undue hardship.

Once your child reaches the age of majority (18 years for Saskatchewan), you are no longer required to pay for that child.

On a different note, based on your divorce agreement, you can be liable to pay the support amount after the 18th birthday of the child. Also, the child might be unable to be financially independent because of illness or disability. The parent still has to patronize the child as long as adequate proof of dependency is submitted to Maintenance Enforcement.

However, if you remarry and have other children, you still have to support all your offspring.

The most effective strategy to avoid paying child support is to communicate with your ex-partner and explain your limitations to meet the demand. If necessary, prepare a written agreement with the other parent. But be honest about your situation. Otherwise, you will make the process of avoiding child support more complex and lose your credentials as a consequence.

Canada Child Benefits

Canada Child Benefit (CCB) is a program monitored by the Canada Revenue Agency. CCB helps reduce the financial burden without making you compromise with your child care. Usually, the primarily responsible parent of the child can apply for CCB.

Below are the criteria that determine who is eligible to apply for CCB:

  1. You have custody of a child under the age of 18
  2. You are responsible for the upbringing and wellness of the offspring, primarily
  3. You are residing in Canada and paying tax
  4. Either you, your spouse, or your common-law partner are supposed to be one of the following:
    1. A Canadian citizen
    2. A protected person
    3. A permanent resident
    4. A non-permanent resident who has stayed in Canada for the last 18 months and has a valid permit in the following (19th) month
    5. A native person who is an “Indian” under the Indian Act

Final Words

Child support is the right of the child and parents’ obligatory duty to provide financial support to their offspring. Unless you are truly incapable of paying child support, do not try to fabricate an excuse to avoid paying child support.


How can I get out of paying child support?

If the parents reconcile their relationship, there is no subject to pay for the child support. In terms of economic changes, the individual parent can apply to the court so that s/he can be granted the right to stop paying. For example, if one’s financial ability is not good enough or any one of them suddenly receives a huge amount of property, the financially weaker parent can apply for it at the court.

Can you agree not to pay child support?

It is not possible to make such an agreement that a parent doesn’t have to pay any child support. But, still, the parents can mutually agree on flexibility to set an amount.

How can I give up my parental rights without paying child support?

One major criterion to do this is to prove the validity of giving up parental rights. Also, in that case, both biological parents must have a mutual understanding about the matter. It’s uncommon to give up a child’s rights. The process is not the same as in cases like obtaining custody.

Can a mother cancel child support?

The parents can cancel child support. But that is based on two points. The child has to be 18 years old and financially independent. The child’s health is also a considerable matter in this case.

Does child support go down if the father has another baby?

Child support is never terminated, even if the father has another baby. But the amount can be minimized. For that, the father has to prove to the court that providing child support could hamper other family’s standard of living. The court may consider the hardship from the father’s side and make a judgment.

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