You might have heard of your neighbor adopting. But, you know just a mere of it and what is beyond. As time is changing with the value and practice of families, step parent adoption is a common affair. People who need to adopt a new child or his or her spouse’s child are definitely curious about step-parent adoption.
We have come by some obvious questions from the two parties- the parents do not want to take responsibility for their children, and the person wants to adopt his or her partner’s or spouses or other children. We will discuss those questions here in the easiest way for you.
1. Why Would I Adopt My Stepchild?
A child always needs a parent. Once he or she is not supported properly by the biological parents, the best solution to the problem is to have a good parent for the child.
Nowadays, the number of adopted children and adopting parents are increasing. The reason is either the biological parent or parents are drastically indifferent about their children or deny to support them financially.
A child becomes helpless when he or she requires nothing but being adopted. Adoption helps a child to start a new life. Also, the people who are eager to become parents are happy with a new sweet family member. They get the responsibility and fulfill their emptiness in mind. Besides, the child gets an identity. So, it is indeed a very good idea to adopt a child.
2. What is the Adoption Process?
The first step is that the step-parent or parents to hire a lawyer. The second step is the home study. It is also called Mutual Family Assessment. But, that is not important if the court doesn’t suggest that. There must be written consent from the birth parents.
In case one birth parent doesn’t live with the child, he or she should be notified about the adoption. It is to be noted that the other birth parent also has to contact the legal advisor.
The people interested in adopting must prove that they can fulfill the basic need of the child. The length of the time for adoption varies according to many factors.
There are several priorities to consider here. It is to be remembered that the age issue of the child in adoption differs in different states.
3. Can the Adoption Process Take Place in Private (Independent Adoption)?
In private arrangements for adoption, the biological parents and the individuals who want to adopt are gathered. They must have a lawyer and gather necessary documents for the application to be submitted to the court.
In such a case, the parents normally choose a person or a couple who would adopt their child. A private practitioner on adoption should be engaged in the process. There will also be a discussion among the ministry and the birth parents about issues like financial supports, taking care of the child, etc.
4. Can I Adopt a Child from My Family?
There is no need to contact any adoption agency if anyone wants to adopt a child from his or her own family. Still, there is a need for a formal adoption order from the court. The judge may ask for an assessment from the adoption practitioner but, that is dependable on certain conditions.
5. Will the Biological Parents have Access to their Child after Adoption?
The consent from biological parents for their child’s adoption is undoubtedly a challenge for them from different dimensions. The moment a child is adopted, the parental rights over the child are terminated. Legally they won’t have the right to contact their children according to the stepparent’s rights in Canada. At the same time, they will have no responsibility for child support either.
6. When Not to Adopt?
Adopting is a life-changing decision taken by oneself. The moment a child is adopted by someone, the responsibilities come with the joy of becoming a parent.
To make the right decision, the interested persons must take the consultation of an experienced lawyer. The lawyer may inform the possible pros and cons of the respective adoption so that it might be easy to take a decision- which is either to take a step toward adoption or to postpone or to stay back.
Moreover, it is also dependable on the mental condition of the child as it related to emotion to change a family. The biological parents sometimes are not comfortable leaving the parental rights. And the child has to be ready for it.
7. How Difficult is It?
Actually, the first point is to notice the age of the child who is going to be adopted. It is uncertain if the adopting parent or parents are going to be able to fulfill the child’s needs, and the court determines that.
Another major thing is- the child must feel safe and sound in the new place with serenity. Both end’s interests need to be agreed upon a common issue. So, it should be solved at the very beginning.
8. What If One Parent Does not Consent?
The adoption cannot be successful unless one of the birth parents has consented to their child’s adoption. But, with the approval of the court, adoption is possible even without a parent’s consent.
If anyone can prove the biological parents are not fit to have the responsibility of their child. Another case is abandonment which means the parents are not communicative with the children and don’t provide financial support.
9. If the Parents get Divorced?
In case the biological parents are divorced, the parent’s consent is needed for adopting the child under whose custody the child is living. The other parent also should be informed about the adoption because still, both parents have the parental right over the child. His or her consent also might be needed upon the court’s direction.
10. Should the Child Agree for Adoption?
The court also needs the consent of the child but, that is dependable on the age of the child.
11. Can the Child’s Name be changed during/ after the Step Parent Adoption Process?
The consent of the biological parents is needed to change the name in Canada. It can actually vary from state to state. Sometimes, it is allowed in the first place to change the first name or the middle name.
12. Is the Consent from Birth Parents Withdrawable?
The birth parents would have a time duration after giving their consent. Normally, that should be within 21 days. Also, the court may allow even after this timeframe if it is considered the best for the child. But, the adoption process is not normally overturned.
Start a Happy New Family
To overcome a critical process like child adoption, you must have a good lawyer who is well experienced in solving these types of cases. So, don’t delay in booking an appointment with your family lawyer who could represent you. I hope this article helps you one step closer to go for step-parent adoption in Saskatchewan.
Parents are the best guide for children, and children are the best gifts ever given to the parents. So, the moment you want to make up your mind for step-parent adoption, you are actually doing a great job.
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